R has great strengths in statistics, data wrangling, and graphics. However, there are still weaknesses in other areas. Some tasks, such as creating a log, formatting values, managing datasets, and creating a report, are much more difficult than they should be. The sassy system was developed to improve R in these areas. The system leverages concepts from SAS® software that make programming in R faster and easier for everyone.
Click here to learn more about the sassy system as a whole, and see how the packages work together. Or you can explore the individual packages below.
The following packages perform more specialized tasks that compliment the sassy system.
If you need help with the sassy family of packages, the best place to turn to is the package documentation sites referenced above.
Package documentation can also be linked from the sassy meta-package site.
If you want to look at the code for any sassy packages, visit the corresponding github page.
If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please submit an issue to the github issue list for the appropriate package, or the sassy issue list.